Watch My Attempt At Repainting A Bass Guitar [Video]
I found a beat up bass that I wanted to make "my own" and since I love tearing things apart, I thought I would make an attempt at giving this one a new look. About a year and a half ago, I decided that I wanted to learn to play the bass. My father-in-law plays so I thought I would give it a try. After almost 10 months of lessons I decided that I wanted to really get into one and see what makes it work and how they are built. I went into Guitar Center and found a used bass for less the $100 that looked rough but had some redeeming features. The paint was pretty chewed up and the tone control didn't work. That was an easy fix by just re-soldering a wire. The paint however was another story and took a couple weeks to sort out. I like black but that's not my favorite color so I decided to go another direction. I actually hand tinted the paint myself to match another of my prized possessions and then painted it in my garage. Want to see the final results? watch this!
Again, I'm still learning to play but wanted to do the music in the background so I gave it a good attempt at improvising something.