Concealed Pistol License My No Longer Be Required In Michigan
As a long time CPL holder, I can tell you that forking over $115.00 every four years can be a bit of a hit on the budget, but so can your drivers license and annual vehicle tags.
Of course, most people only pay around $20 for a drivers license (in my case $90 but that's because I have a commercial license with a few endorsements).
Recently, the state did away with gun boards that would review CPL applications and either approve or deny them. However, Michigan is a shall issue state which means that as long as you are not a felon, charged with a violent misdemeanor (assault), have a restraining order against you or have been convicted of a misdemeanor within 5 years, they must issue the license.
I would like to hear your thoughts. Watch this news story from WWMT and comment below.