Many of Kalamazoo's most traveled streets are one-way. Is it time to change that?

The Kalamazoo Gazette asked the question on Facebook stating that city leaders are considering changing the many one-way streets. The reaction on the Facebook post were running fairly equal between changing them and leaving things the way they are.

Running north and south through the city, Park and Westnedge are a pair of one-way streets. While the downtown area has a few pairs: Michigan/Kalamazoo and South/Lovell.

Change 'Em

Yes change them just moved here it's difficult downtown feels more difficult than other places I've lived


We need this. Downtown is very confusing to the newbies.


They need to get Edwards north of Kalamazoo at least. There's no reason that still has to be one-way.


Stay the Same

Why change? Invariably I’m passing through downtown. Why would I stop since there’s no place to park my car unless I have a bag of quarters with me.


Maybe if some of the complainers came downtown more than a few times a year they would understand the layout. I have lived downtown for close to 40-year, currently on Kalamazoo Ave., I don't want my street dedicated to truck traffic. Learn how to deal with our one way streets.


OMG. Here we go again. The City of Kalamazoo, Michigan meddling with the few things that work in Kalamazoo. Instead of focusing on the decades old problems: Lack of parking, neglected infrastructure, flooding problems on crosstown, drug epidemic, STD epidemic, graffiti on city owned property, LEAD WATER LINES, they choose to mess with the working one way roads.


The Middle Ground

There are some that could be easily and inexpensively changed and would be helpful for vehicle traffic downtown. Whereas the main N-S and E-W roads would be VERY expensive to change and better left alone.

So have your say in the comment section below. What should be done with Kalamazoo's one-way streets?

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