Don’t Be Fooled by Counterfeit Money Circulating in Southwest Michigan
Dowagiac police warn of several instances of fake $100 bills being passed off as real money.
It's been happening since the beginning of 2017- counterfeit one hundred dollar bills being used as currency in and around Dowagiac. The funny money has been passed between individuals in private transactions and has been found in the till of two area businesses.
Here's the thing: the money is clearly marked "FOR MOTION PICTURE USE ONLY." Apparently, everything else about the bogus bills is so convincing that the avowal in capital letters is being overlooked.
Police advise to be on the lookout for these film forgeries and check all money being passed. If you encounter one of these phony bills, contact Dowagiac Police immediately at (269) 782-9743, or the Cass County Tip Line at (800) 462-9328.