Wow.  This is cool.   Steve White was out walking in the woods near his home in Butler, Pennsylvania and found this note from a local 3rd grader.  It was attached to a balloon nearly 30 years ago!   I found the post in the super-cool East Leroy Community Facebook group.

Steve White-Facebook
Steve White-Facebook

The note is in amazingly good condition, but in case you can't make it out, it's from May 1987 and says:

"I'm from East Leroy Elementary School. I'm so glad that you found my balloon. Could you please send me a note and tell me about yourself and where you found it?  My name is Brenda Walters and I am in the 3rd grade.  Please return your note to me at:

East Leroy Elementary School

4320 K Drive South

East Leroy, Michigan, 49051.

Thank you for your time!

The balloon made a trip of about 300 miles.   White's post say he's trying to find the writer and will return the note to the school.

We did this at my school, Starr Elementary, in Plainwell.   I remember it like it was yesterday.  After we'd all written our notes and inflated the balloons, we all went out to the playground, and release the balloons on a blustery spring day.  They vanished to the east in seconds.   A few weeks later, one of my classmates, Susan Burdick, got a note from someone in Manchester, Michigan, saying they found the balloon.  They said that was about 80 miles away.  (It was really more like 113).  It was found only a short time after launch, but it was a moment that obviously stuck with me. I hoped for a long time that somebody would still find mine.   I wonder if Brenda Walters ever thought about it?

If you know anything about Brenda Walters, let us know.  We'd love to track her down and talk to her.  She would have graduated from high school around 1996.

Anybody else have a similar memory?

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