This Is Why Your Michigan Tax Refund Is Being Delayed This Year
Changes in IRS rules may hold up thousands of tax returns from getting to those who deserve them in Michigan.
Where is my refund check? Many Michigan residents will be asking that as returns will be slowed down by the IRS this year.
New regulations designed to fight fraud and identity theft require the IRS to hold refunds until mid-February in 2017 for people claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit or the Additional Child Tax Credit.
This is an important change as some of these taxpayers are used to getting an early refund. These increased security screenings are invisible to most taxpayers, but we want people to be aware we are taking additional steps to protect taxpayers from identity theft, and that sometimes means the real taxpayers face a slight delay in their refunds.
-IRS Commissioner John Koskinen
February 15 is the earliest you can expect a check in the mail or direct-deposited into your bank account if you claimed EITC or ACTC.
Wondering "where's my refund?" the Michigan Department of Treasury can help you track it down.