With two more Star Wars episodes and at least three spinoff / anthology films on the way, it’s hard to think too much about the future of the franchise beyond that, though we have been curious about Disney and Lucasfilm’s plans for the future of the series after Episode IX hits theaters in 2019. Will there be more sequels? A new trilogy? More spinoffs? According to Disney CEO Bob Iger, Star Wars will continue on after Episode IX, and the studio has no plans to end their other major franchise anytime soon, either.

Speaking with Newsbeat, Iger was asked about the potential for more films after Episode IX, to which he said there “will be more after that, I don’t know how many, I don’t know how often.” It seems that Lucasfilm is definitely looking ahead to the future of the Star Wars franchise, though not too far ahead at the moment.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is set to hit theaters on December 19, with Episode VIII arriving on December 15, 2017. The Han Solo movie hits in 2018, with Episode IX following in 2019. Then there’s the long-rumored Boba Fett anthology film that Josh Trank was previously attached to direct — though Lucasfilm has yet to confirm details on that project or find a replacement director.

As for Disney’s other major franchise, Marvel, Iger says you shouldn’t expect the MCU to go away anytime soon. When it comes to the superhero universe, Iger says, “you’re dealing with thousands and thousands of characters — that will go on forever.” Forever-ever? Forever-ever.

So there you have it. Star Wars and Marvel will continue to deliver new films until you eventually grow tired of them, which might never happen.

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