This was the weekend of the Oscar's. I watched the prime time special with Chris Rock but I want to talk about a different 'Oscar'.THIS Oscar is an orange Tabby that hangs out at the Paw Paw McDonald's and has been there for several years. He enjoys attention, treats and french fries. He also enjoys pushing the limits, dodging car and pedestrian alike. He will stand his ground and let you know whats on his mind to the point of making other cats in the area uncomfortable. However, He never set out to raise awareness that no other feline's are at McDonald's, he doesn't growl about how members of his species are held captive inside our houses, forced to the vet to be spayed or neutered. Allowed to sit in a window and stare at birds and squirrels they are not able to chase. Instead, he celebrates what he has, where he is and what he has accomplished and not have his kittens selling treats out front. No matter how controversial his appearance may be to some, at the end of the day, everyone enjoyed seeing him and were happy he was there.

oscar 2
John Mason, TSM

Have you seen Oscar? Do you know of another dog or cat that has a 'special' hang out?


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