Christmas is just around the corner, you have new toys for everyone.  What do you do with the old ones? 

So, You survived Black Friday, Small business Saturday and even Cyber Monday. Everyone is getting some new toy, gadget or thing-a-ma-bob. New computers, tablets and cellphones are on everyone's list and you got them. So what do you do with the old stuff? Don't throw it in the trash, there are non-profits that can use some of those old electronic devices.

First on the list is Cell Phones For Soldiers. Not only will they take old cell phones and tablets, you can also donate minutes to soldiers and their family's.

There is also The Help Of HopeLine through Verizon that donates used phones and other electronics to victims and survivors of domestic violence. You can drop off items at any Verizon store.

Tim Boyle/Getty Images
Tim Boyle/Getty Images

Whatever cannot be donated can be recycled, either through certain retail drop off points in Kalamazoo like Best Buy, Office Max and Office Depot; but also through Kalamazoo County's recycling center. You will find a list of electronics they take for recycling, as well as your other household items HERE.



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