What are the most pro-Trump and pro-Clinton precincts in Kalamazoo County during the historic election of 2016?

According to ElectionMagic.com, which breaks out election data of several counties across Michigan. While the county as a whole went for Clinton, one of only 8 of the 83 counties in Michigan to do so, of the 108 precincts in Kalamazoo County here are the largest percentages for Trump and Clinton.

Most Pro Trump Areas of Kalamazoo County

Brady Township's precinct #2 favored Trump by 68%. Brady Township includes a portion of the village of Vicksburg.

Sparsely populated Wakeshma Township in the county's southeast corner and home to the hamlet of Fulton gave 67% of its support to Trump

Climax voted 66% in favor of Trump

Most Pro Clinton Areas of Kalamazoo County

The three most pro-Clinton areas of Kalamazoo County are all in the city of Kalamazoo.

This area of Kalamazoo which is north of downtown bounded by Douglas Ave, the Kalamazoo River, Patterson and the northern city limit on Dunkley Ave favored Clinton 95% to 3% (a scant 31 votes) for Trump.

Directly south of Precinct 9 is the next most pro-Clinton area of Kalamazoo, the neighborhood between Patterson and the Central Business Distict voted for Clinton 92%.

Precinct #7 in Kalamazoo favored Clinton by 83%. This district is bounded by Douglas Ave, Prairie Ave and north of Academy Street.

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