Battle Creek-based Kellogg's recently partnered with the National Federation of the Blind in an effort to help visually impaired children have the ability to read 'love notes' featured on Rice Krispies Treats packages. In 2017, Kellogg's began packaging the treats with a white area on the label for writing kind messages, but they soon realized that there are thousands of children who are blind who would miss out on the positive messages.


Kellogg's has a distinct connection to this cause as W.K. Kellogg, the founder of the company, was without sight for the last several years of his life. So Kellogg's reached out to the NFB to help make their Love Notes program reflect a positive attitude about blindness and make its materials accessible to the over 62,000 visually impaired children in the United States. It launched earlier this month.

A heartwarming video about the program features 11-year-old Eme Mitchell-Butler and her mom, Tabatha Mitchell, who are both active members of the National Federation of the Blind.

The love notes come in the form of braille stickers and re-recordable audio devices. The  stickers are heart-shaped to place on the white space on Rice Krispies Treats wrappers. Each sticker sheet includes eight uplifting phrases in braille that parents can share with their children such as "You've Got This" to "Love You Lots" among others.

To order Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats braille love notes and read more about Eme's story CLICK HERE.

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