10 Things Michigan Residents Will Learn On Their First Trip To Salem, Massachusetts
As I mentioned on the show, and in the article where we took a look at all of the different places on the East Coast of the country that I visited on my vacation, one of my most anticipated stops was going to be Salem, Massachusetts.
Not just because I was going to be able to go to the site of the infamous Salem witch trials, but to see some old friends as well. On top of that the very first thing I did upon arriving at Salem was get a tattoo on my right forearm as a sort of tribute for the innocent people who lost their lives during the hysteria of the Salem witch trials in 1692.

The moment I stepped into Salem, I realized that the city was much more than, just Salem, which has history, but a very rich history of everything from the American Revolution, the Civil War, and early settlement knowledge that blew me away.
I can’t tell you how many tours I went on and how many places I visited, and I still came away, knowing that there was still so much I had left to do even after three days of exploring.
There are a lot of misconceptions about the Salem Witch Trials and about the village itself. There were also a lot of new discoveries I made while going on many of the tours. As a Michigander visiting Salem for the first time, here are some things I learned about my trip and things you can expect.