Then again, it's every week Kalamazoo Beer Week???  At a time when breweries & beers are popping up like comedy clubs in the 80s and flannel in the 90s, we can be proud of the product produced here and around S.W. Michigan.

Along with the usual suspects there are 2 new aspects to pass along.  Check them out and celebrate responsibly...


The Kalamazoo Beer Exchange Hop Farms Total Tap Takeover

For Kalamazoo Beer Week, the Kalamazoo Beer Exchange will be celebrating exceptional local brewing with a never-before-seen Total Tap Takeover of Hope Head Farms.

“Some of the best beers in the county are now brewed with our Michigan grown hops,” Says Tom Malover of Hop Head Farms. “There really is no better way to showcase that, than to bring together twenty-eight different Hop Head Farms brewed beers.”

Founded in 2011, Hophead Farms has been producing and distributing quality hops for brewers throughout the Midwest. On January 22nd, visitors to the Beer Exchange will be able to try the Hop Head beers side by side.

“We are really excited to get everyone together for this Hop Head Farms Tap Takeover, especially so close to the farm in Kalamazoo! It’s really the first of its kind and we look forward to be building on it every year.”

Uber Introduces: "Get Around for Less Than A Round"

Kalamazoo Beer Week is in full swing and nothing pairs better with a craft beer than a safe ride home. With rates now 20% cheaper in Kalamazoo, there's never been a better time to ride.  Each ride you take during KBW will enter you to win prizes from your favorite participating breweries.

Enter code RIDEKBW in your Uber app and the more you ride between now and January 23rd, the more likely you are to win.


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