In 2007, Chris DuBois and Dave Turnbull got together with Brad Paisley and penned a song that turned out to be "Anything Like Me," a tune that Paisley included on 2009's American Saturday Night and released as a single in August of 2010. The track hit No. 1 on the country charts -- but, more importantly, as DuBois tells The Boot, reflects real emotions all three men were feeling at the time.

Dave and I both have sons, so we had an idea for a song that talks about the process of having sons. We dug into it and wrote a little bit, and I just felt like it was something that Brad would love. So I called him up and said, "Hey, we've got this thing started."

Brad had just had a son, too, and Dave and I both felt he could be able to relate to it. It just felt like something that would really work for him. I told him about what we had, and he loved it. He was out on the road playing though, so it took a while for us all to get together.

Me and Dave didn't have much going in ... We had a first verse that we ended up rewriting, and we had some thoughts on a chorus. So the three of us sat there and began talking about all the trials and tribulations of being a father. Then it really started to flow magically ... talking about the excitement you have from the moment you find out you're having a boy and reflecting back on all the trouble you caused as a kid, just thinking about how tough it could possibly be if your son turns out like you.

There was some stuff that we did [as boys] -- each one of us individually -- that was probably too bad to put in a song though! [Laughs] "You can't put that in there -- that's too much!" Even though it was true! But it was a lot of fun, and I think it resonates with a lot of people.

This story was originally written by Marianne Horner, and revised by Angela Stefano.

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