Drew Weisholtz is an award-winning writer who has had his work published on several websites, including GuySpeed, StarCrush.com and theFW.com. Previously, he has written and served as a producer for ABC News Radio and also spent time as a stand-up comedian. He can be found rooting for his beloved Yankees and Giants and begrudgingly holds out hope his Rutgers Scarlet Knights will one day return to the NCAA Tournament. When that's not consuming him, he passes time quoting "Saved By the Bell" and making fun of his in-laws. You can follow him on Twitter.
Drew Weisholtz
This Wildly Energetic Dancing Gorilla Is Everything Right With the World
This gorilla is all monkey business. And the Internet loves it.
Watch Bananas Turn Into a Surprisingly Effective Musical Instrument
This music has some real a-peel.
Ferocious Alligator Swoops In and Steals Boy’s Catch Off His Fishing Line
You know, there's a reason people are afraid of alligators.
Man Grades Ex-Girlfriend’s Letter of Apology, Puts It Full Blast on Twitter
Love hurts. Almost as much as getting an "F."
Sweet Singing Telegram Lands Smitten Man Dream Girlfriend
This guy wins Valentine's Day.
#BadValentinesDayGifts Is Romance Done Horribly Wrong
Chocolate. Candy. Flowers. You could do better for Valentine's Day gifts, but you could also do worse. A *lot* worse.
Enjoy This Delightfully Catchy Song Made of Happy Facebook Comments
Here's something you're going to "like."
‘Throw Shade,’ ‘Binge-Watch’ Among Merriam-Webster’s 1,000 New Words
The events of the last 12 months have left many of us without words. Thankfully, Merriam-Webster is here to help.
NFL 2017 Bad Lip Reading Is Big Game Hilarity Perfection
As if you're not already pumped up enough for the Super Bowl.
11 Fake Super Bowl 51 Prop Bets That Need to Be Made
The crown jewel of the NFL season is when you see some really wacky wagers.