When Toby Keith performed at the Grand Ole Opry in late May, he offered up a fantastic tribute to the late Merle Haggard. The Opry recently released video of the performance, giving fans the opportunity to see Keith's medley of some of the iconic artist's biggest songs.

Keith took the Opry stage on May 20 and sang some of Haggard's greatest songs: "Mama Tried," "Today I Started Loving You Again," "Silver Wings," "I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink," "Workin' Man Blues" and "Okie From Muskogee" were all intertwined into one six-minute performance. Readers can press play on the video above to watch the performance, which may spark a memory of Keith's tribute to Haggard at the 2016 American Country Countdown Awards; at the awards show, he played with Haggard's backing band, the Strangers, and even got Haggard's widow Theresa out of her seat and dancing to "Workin' Man Blues."

Keith had the honor of playing with "the Hag" at one of the legend's very last shows -- a moment that the singer will always remember.

“He looked really frail, and I walked him on the stage and said, ‘I’ll be over here. You call me up whenever you need me,'” Keith recalls of that night. “He made it about eight songs, and he called me up and said, ‘Let’s do something.'”

Shortly after Haggard's death, actor W. Earl Brown shared his own recollection of the evening: “Merle’s infected lungs were spent. He couldn’t draw enough air to sing any longer … Toby came out and sang the rest of the show. Merle gave his last concert. The Strangers got paid. And the audience, while not realizing it at the time, saw something special."

Keith recently released a new single, "A Few More Cowboys," which is available on iTunes. He is currently on the road for his 2016 Interstates & Tailgates Tour, with dates scheduled through mid-October.

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