Last week at the Calhoun County Fair, a rodeo clown's comments raised more than a few eyebrows in the crowd.

Rockin' Robbie Hodges, a rodeo clown, asked participants in the crowd to raise their hands to indicate whether they were a boy or a girl, and followed up by stating, "if you're confused, you need help."

One of the people in the audience, a mother who was watching the Lost Nations Rodeo with her daughter, sent video of the rant to FOX-17.

Rockin' Robbie went on to clarify his "you need help" statement by explaining how he thinks bathrooms should work,

Here at the rodeo we are not gender friendly. Everybody in here who’s really sure they’re a boy raise your hand. If you can tinkle on a fire you go to the boys’ room, if you can’t, you go to the girls’ room, right?

Fair organizers told FOX-47 that the rodeo company is contracted by them, and they were not aware of the rant until they were shown the video by a reporter.

The rodeo company also issued an apology for Rockin' Robbie's behavior:

Lost Nations Rodeo was unaware that those comments would be made, and were off script. Hodges is a well-decorated entertainer, and while we appreciate his services, we do not share the same views or opinions. We sincerely apologize again to all of our fans and look forward to entertaining you in the future.

The company told FOX-47 that Rockin' Robbie was an independent contractor of theirs, and that he fulfilled his contract with the company and they will no longer use his services.

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