Jason Aldean and his wife, Brittany, recently decided to entertain fans while on their tour bus by answering some of their frequently asked questions. In two sweet, informal videos posted on Brittany's Instagram account, Aldean and his wife shared some insight into their lives together.

"A little Q&A for our followers... Watch with caution. We are weird," Brittany captions the first video.

“Hey, what’s up everybody! We’re just chillin’ on the bus today,” Aldean says at the start. “We always are looking at Instagram, things like that, and people always have a ton of questions, so we figured we’d answer a couple questions.”

The first question had the couple revealing something no one else would know about them.

“Jason doesn’t like to go barefoot. Ever. He could be going from the bed to the bathroom and has to put flip flops on or tennis shoes or something, like in the house,” Brittany says.

“I just don’t like dirt on the bottom of my feet, I don’t know,” he responds.

An avid hunter, it's no secret that Aldean loves to be in the great outdoors and hunt whenever he gets the chance. Meanwhile, Brittany is a big animal lover and doesn't like the idea of Aldean hunting on their property and killing the animals on it. So, they've come to a compromise.

"We came to an agreement. I don't hunt at our house. I try not to show up at home with any dead things in the back of the truck," he says.

To learn more about the couple, watch the videos above.

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